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Reading as reverence

I often have a hard time finding time to sit down and read in my life. I have 600+ books at my disposal on various bookshelves. They range from Children's books my grandmother purchased for my father over 60 years ago to psychology books written earlier this year.

There is of course a plethora of witchy books too. I like to think of myself as a bit of a book wyvern. Not only do I have a hoard like a dragon, but I consume them like worms. So, I’m a bit in the middle.

This of course does not include the many books I have in audio format or digital format, and honestly the to be read list can be a bit overwhelming. I try to look at it this way: The books are there when I need them and am ready to engage with them. When I was a child, I would just blast through an entire series of books like they were Halloween candy, and I had no rules. If ANYONE knows where I can find the complete Animorphs series, please tell me. That was my very first book club.

But here is the thing. I am not a courtier in a castle whose only entertainment or expectations of the day are to read and socialize. Nor am I an individual who has magical furniture that is actually enchanted castle staff so I can spend all day in a giant library reading books like they contain oxygen. I have, like, stuff to do.

I also have that issue where if a chore is left undone, or a project half finished, or a blog post not written……. sitting down to read feels like cheating. This is of course my brain still trying to deconstruct an unhealthy idea of what being “lazy” is (thanks industrial revolution for THAT one).

It still is a perspective that I struggle with as I often feel that I can either read OR do witchcraft. I can either sit down for an hour to enjoy a chapter in my latest book about sociopaths, or I can celebrate one of the many sabbats, moon phases, or other holidays that come across my google calendar. Daily Tarot card pull or chapter on Norse mythology? It is a constant argument in my head on where I should be spending my time.

This is all of course AFTER I do the dishes, feed the dog, sweep the hallway, see the child off to school, eat breakfast, check in on Marco Polo with my friends, fold the laundry etc.

Makes my head spin. I tend to just do nothing in some sort of executive dysfunction inspired state of overwhelmed. It is not fun, and I don’t like it. I’ve been doing some introspection (*cough* Shadow work * cough*) to try and find the why and the how behind the problem and the solution to this. I realized that my perspective and perception were the main issues.

Working Through It

When I first started working with Deity I had pledged that anytime I worked to improve myself or care for myself that it would be an act of reverence for them. (If you share the belief that Deities are just an expression of our own higher selves, which is a direct connection to the wide expanse of the universe, which is in fact us experiencing ourselves as ourselves - then you get where I’m going with this ).

I realized that if I am reading a book that teaches me something- then it is self-improvement. If I am reading a book that is fun and entertains me – then it is self-care. So technically speaking every time I carve out time to read, I am showing reverence to Deity ( and thus the universe and myself).

All of that is a super long way to say that reading can be witchcraft. Educating oneself is a fundamental part of being a witch and something I’ve touched on in my Consistently Curious post. It is also not exclusive to books (physical, digital, or audio). Educating yourself can come from podcasts, documentaries, reputable magazines, blogs, newspapers, and the media. Going to lectures on subjects at your local witchy shop, or studying history at a university can all count too. It is all a matter of perspective.

When it comes to self-care that can also look like movie night, watching a comfort show, or listening to entertaining content. I think we take our lives too seriously sometimes and forget that any little act that brings us joy is radical.

You can also view none of these things and reverential. That is totally fine too! I personally find the act of researching and writing my blog (and recording my podcast) as a way of showing respect to my spirt team and therefore myself. Teaching, mentoring, and helping people in general is something that can be a part of your practice as a person, as a witch, or both.

I will never be the person to say “ The only way to respect Deity is to act in XYZ way” or “You should help others because Deity says so” <--- both statements give me a major ICK factor to be honest with you.

What I’m saying is that if it means something to you, and you find that it enriches your life then it can count as something you do as part of your witchcraft. It is up to you to define how you want to practice and what aspects of your life you want to integrate with your magic.

I like how it took the pressure off and released the “block” I was experiencing around reading as an activity. Is it psychological reprogramming? Probably. Does it work for me? Absolutely. Is magic just spicy psychology? Who cares! It makes me happy and whole as a person and helps me be my favorite version of myself. I deserve my favorite me.

So my friends – aim for your favorite self and if you are struggling to engage in a hobby or activity you love without guilt or “I should be doing…..”– see if a perspective change can help you.

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